We are Migrating!
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Dear Friends & Customers!
We want to thank all of our loyal customers, staff and designers for your continued support these last few years. The pandemic, slower foot traffic in downtown Victoria, staffing issues, high Government St rent & now the recession have been too much to contend with. Our lease came up and we made the difficult decision to close our Government St store. This has been an incredibly hard decision to make, but it is the best option for the moment. We are now going to focus our energy to evolve with the times and make Migration bigger and better!
We have big plans for 2023!
The future of Migration is looking bright! Don’t you worry, we aren't going anywhere! We have been supporting independent designers since 2004! We are going to go back to the beginning of where it all started! As we were one of the 1st Artisan collectives in Victoria, we will be putting our energy back into Pop-Ups around Victoria & Vancouver.
The future of Migration is looking bright! Don’t you worry, we aren't going anywhere! We have been supporting independent designers since 2004! We are going to go back to the beginning of where it all started! As we were one of the 1st Artisan collectives in Victoria, we will be putting our energy back into Pop-Ups around Victoria & Vancouver.
We have partnered with the city of Vancouver to bring our new event series the Make Good Party. This unique event was founded for a love of all things local. We bring together our community of makers, DJs, food and breweries. Who doesn’t love a party!! Stay tuned to find out about our monthly market and pop-up party and give this unique market series a follow! We are also looking for a location in Victoria!

Stay tuned for our new and improved website featuring our favourite local makers! In the coming weeks we will be adding tons of unique products!
We will also be returning to the land of smiles, (Thailand), to curate a new collection from our independent designers. Stay tuned to follow us on our adventure!
We are so excited for what the future holds. Please continue to follow us and Make Good to be a part of our amazing creative community!
Thank you again for your support! Big love! ❤
Team Migration
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